API references
Both components scripts are in mixins. The API references refer to those mixins
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
columns | Array | true | - | Array of column configuration |
rows | Array | true | - | Array of rows to show in table |
sortBy | String | false | - | Name of the column currently sorted |
sortDirection | String | false | asc | Direction in which the column is sorted. Can be either asc or desc |
Columns options
The name
key is used for data mapping with the rows
Name | Description |
column:sort | Emits an object with the following keys: { sortBy, sortDirection } |
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
showRefreshButton | Boolean | false | true | If true, will show a button which emits the pagination:change event on click |
useFirstLastLinks | Boolean | false | true | Whether the pagination should show the first and last links |
useBoundariesNumbersLinks | Boolean | false | false | Whether the pagination should show the boundaries links which can be either numbers or ellipses |
useNextPrevLinks | Boolean | false | false | Whether the pagination should show the next and previous page links |
firstText | String | false | « | Text of the first page link |
lastText | String | false | » | Text of the last page link |
nextText | String | false | < | Text of the next page link |
previousText | String | false | > | Text of the previous page link |
useEllipses | Boolean | false | true | Whether the table should use ellipses |
rotate | Boolan | false | true | Whether the page should be kept in the middle when possible |
maxPageItems | Number | false | 5 | When using ellipses, this is the maximum number of page items that will be shown |
itemsPerPage | Number | false | 15 | Amount of items per page |
totalItems | Number | true | - | Total amount of items |
currentPage | Number | true | - | Current page number |
Name | Description |
pagination:change | Emits the new page number to load |